Year 2024-2025 > Semester 1Year 2024-2025

Why deterrence? Introduction to contemporary nuclear and strategic issues

The aim of this seminar will be to study a series of strategic questions that are key to a proper understanding of contemporary international security and defence issues, by setting out the conceptual, political and legal frameworks for understanding the major strategic balances (nuclear deterrence, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, arms control and disarmament, legal and ethical debates, economic issues, etc.), and by placing them in the context of current major crises and unstable zones: Ukraine, Iran, North Korea, Asia, etc.

Paul Zajac (CIENS / CEA)
Semester 1, 6 ECTS (12 sessions of 2 hours)
Thursday 6-8pm. Salle des Actes, 45 rue d’Ulm.