Our governance

Our Strategic Orientation Board

Our Strategic Orientation Council is made up of leading scientists from outside ENS-PSL. It advises on the general direction of CIENS, its multi-year scientific program, its pedagogical project and its positioning within the Parisian, French and European academic landscape.

Board members :

– Delphine Allès, PU in political science, INALCO
– Frédéric Bozo, PU in Contemporary History, Sorbonne Nouvelle
– Frédérick Douzet, PU in geopolitics, Paris VIII
– Beatrice Heuser, Professor of International Relations, University of Glasgow and currently Director of Strategy, Bundeswehr Staff Academy, Hamburg
– Jean-Vincent Holeindre, PU in political science, Paris II – Centre Thucydide
– Andreas Lutsch, Junior Professor at the Federal School of Public Administration, Bundesnachrichtendienst Department, Berlin
– Leopoldo Nuti, Professor of History at Roma Tre University, and Director of the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project (NPIHP)
– Olivier Schmitt, Professor of Political Science at the Center for War Studies, University of the South, Denmark.

Our Scientific Steering Committee

Our Scientific Steering Committee advises on issues relating to the teaching provided by CIENS members, and more generally on the integration of CIENS into the life of the School, both pedagogically and scientifically. It is made up of teacher-researchers representing ENS-PSL departments with an interest in the subjects studied by CIENS (history, geography, philosophy, social sciences, computer science, etc.), and possibly teacher-researchers from other PSL establishments, as well as representatives of ENS-PSL management. It meets once a year.

Our Institutional Partners

The CIENS meets once a year with its institutional partners: the CEA (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives), the DGRIS (Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie, Ministère des armées) and the ANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information) to take stock of achievements and the use of funding.