Penser le monde avec Pierre Hassner / symposium January 30-31, 2024, 29 rue d’Ulm, France

CIENS teamed up with the Philosophy Department of the ENS to organize two days of reflection, on January 30 and 31, 2024, to pay tribute to the thought and work of Pierre Hassner and address current strategic issues through the prism of the Hassnerian legacy.

Following the symposium, organized with the support of the Société des Amis de Pierre Hassner, the Pierre Hassner Lectures was launched by Frédéric Worms, Director of the ENS.

Venue: 29 rue d’Ulm, salle Jean Jaurès


January 30, 2024

Pierre Hassner’s intellectual legacy

9.15am – 10.45am “The observer and the thinker
Moderator: Frédéric Worms

Pierre Hassner as himself (Jean-Claude Casanova)

The philosopher and analyst of international relations (Perrine Simon-Nahum)

Looking at the world (Nicolas Baverez)

11:15 – 12:45 “Pierre Hassner in French and foreign strategic thinking”.
Moderated by Maïlys Mangin (CIENS) and Pierre-Louis Six (CIENS)

Aronian filiation in strategic thinking (Jean-Vincent Holeindre)

Pierre Hassner the American (Justin Vaïsse)

The Europe of defense (Muriel Domenach)

12.45pm – 2pm: Lunch break

Afternoon: Fighting and world order

14h – 15h30 “The clash of blocs
Moderator: Anne-Lorraine Bujon (Esprit magazine)

Pierre Hassner and French foreign policy (Frédéric Gloriant)

Different forms of conflict (Gilles Andréani)

The European Union between the blocs (Marion Van Renterghem)

15:30 – 16:30 “The post-Cold War European and world order
Moderator: Anne-Lorraine Bujon (Esprit magazine)

Between two Europes: divisions, interactions, interdependencies (Jacques Rupnik)

After Globalization? (Suzanne Berger)

5 pm – 6:30 pm “Exiles and refugees
Moderated by Anne-Lorraine Bujon (Esprit magazine) and Perrine Simon-Nahum (ENS)

Between morality and politics, situations of welcome from the point of view of ethno-phenomenology (Véronique Nahoum-Grappe)

Hospitality as a political imperative (Olivier Mongin)

Deported, exiled, refugees: what solidarity? What justice? (Joël Hubrecht)

January 31, 2024

Current strategic issues through the lens of the Hassnerian legacy

9:30am – 10:30am “Conflictualities and deterrence
Moderator: Pierre Ramond (CIENS and Grand Continent)

Conflictuality and international order (Manuel Lafont-Rapnouil)

Deterrence and passions (Mélanie Rosselet)

11am – 1pm “Empires and passions
Moderator: Mathéo Malik (Grand Continent)

La part de l’irréductible: le politique à l’épreuve des passions (Myriam Revault d’Allonnes)

Does the revanchism of neo-empires threaten international order (Bruno Tertrais)

The European Union, an effective counter-model to Empires and passions (Philippe Étienne)

Alain Frachon

1 pm – 2:30 pm: Lunch break

Afternoon 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm: “A look at Eastern Europe and China
Moderator: Frédéric Gloriant (CIENS)

Pierre Hassner and the role of ideas in politics: the case of Putinism (Michel Eltchaninoff)

Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia: the politics of memory (Marc Crépon)

Ukraine and Eastern Europe: the long 20th century (Serge Yosypenko)

4:30 pm – 5 pm: Conclusion

“The Hassnerian moment in French thought”, Michel Duclos

5:30 pm – 6:15 pm: Keynote lecture

“European resistance to Russian aggression”, Constantin Sigov

Launch of the Pierre Hassner Lectures.

Conference organization: Perrine Simon-Nahum (director of the philosophy department at ENS), Mélanie Rosselet (diplomat and CIENS lecturer), Frédéric Gloriant (CIENS director) and the entire CIENS team (Maïlys Mangin, Pierre Ramond, Pierre-Louis Six).

Our partners: Esprit, le Grand Continent, Commentaire
