European nuclear trajectories II

Presentation Following on from last year’s overview of the various nuclear trajectories of a number of key European states, this year’s seminar will take a closer look at the Franco-German strategic and nuclear relationship, which has been at the heart of European security since the 1950s, and which the current troubled context prompts us to […]
Cyber conflictuality (advanced course)

Presentation The aim of this in-depth course on cyber conflictuality is to enable students to acquire more specific notions about the cyber strategies implemented by the main States active in this field, as well as the major issues raised by the principle of ‘digital sovereignty’ put forward by various countries since the end of the […]
Strategic and nuclear issues in the Middle East

Year 2024-2025 / Second Semester Teaching staff : Eve Benhamou (CIENS) Validation : 3 ECTS Presentation This course introduces students to the main nuclear and strategic issues in the Middle East in two stages. During the Cold War, the region was the theatre of rivalries between the two superpowers and their respective alliances. Israel developed […]
The digital state of war: a sociology of the strategic issues involved in digitizing public debate

Presentation The digitisation of the information and content distribution sector is transforming ‘influence’ practices. In times of peace and war alike, the development and control of news narratives and ‘framing’ is a long-standing component of international relations. The digitisation of public debate has considerably changed political communication and propaganda practices. AI is being used more […]
Cyber conflictuality: new conflicts in other theaters, or new theaters of the same conflicts

Year 2024-2025 / Second Semester Teaching staff : Marie-Gabrielle Bertran (CIENS) and Gaëtan Poncelin de Raucourt, Deputy Director Strategy, ANSSI. Credits : 3 ECTS Prerequisites: None, the course does not presuppose any particular technical knowledge. Sharing: This course is shared with the Paris-Dauphine Master’s in Peace Studies. The aim of this seminar is to enable […]
What is strategy? Theories, concepts and practice

Year 2024-2025 / Second Semester Teaching staff : Paul Zajac and Guillaume Lasconjarias Format : six two-hour sessions / 3 ECTS. Dates and times: Mondays, 4-6pm Presentation of the seminar The aim of this seminar is to provide students with a basis for understanding and analysing strategy, defined by André Beaufre as ‘the art of […]
Outer Space and Strategic Competition

Year 2024-2025 / Second Semester Teachers : Lise Dubois and Guillaume Schlumberger Schedule and dates Thursday 6-8pm Validation : 3 ECTS The aim of this seminar is to introduce students to the strategic stakes of space. The space race, which originated in the Cold War, is now unfolding in a multipolar world, involving a growing […]