Seminar on misinformation in the age of Artificial Intelligence

The rapid development of generative AI promises a revolution in our relationship to news information, the structuring of political debate and decision-making. How can we understand their impact on our national and international political systems?

This political sociology seminar bridges the gap between research and the worlds of expertise. It aims to provide a scientific perspective on the problems faced by experts in “informational warfare” at a time when political competition is being digitized and generative AI is becoming more widespread.

Our speakers will explore the practices and phenomena associated with “disinformation” and “informational warfare”, using the tools of political science and political sociology.

Here’s the program:

Session 4 – Tuesday March 19 (6-8pm). Guillaume Acca, Head of the Foresight and Studies Office at COMCYBER, and Yolaine Cathelineau, doctoral researcher at COMCYBER and doctoral student at the Institut Français de Géopolitique within the IFG/Lab/geode laboratory (and whose thesis focuses on “representations of the informational threat and its implications for French cyberdefense”).

Session 5 – Wednesday March 27 (6-8pm). Claire Benoit, Head of the “coordination and strategy” unit, VIGINUM (coordination and strategy unit). “The fight against foreign digital interference in the media.”

Session 6 – Tuesday, April 2 (6-8pm). Fabienne Greffet, professor of political science at IAE Nancy School of Management, Université de Lorraine, IRENEE laboratory. “Digital spaces and electoral campaigns”.