Ukraine-Russia special week

In March 2024, CIENS organized a week dedicated to the conflict in Ukraine, with lectures and a round-table discussion on the nuclear dimension of the conflict. On Tuesday March 19, 5pm-7pm, American-Ukrainian historian Mariana Budjeryn, presented her book Inheriting the Bomb: The Collapse of the USSR and the Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins […]

An innovative course on space: three questions for Lise Dubois

A course with an innovative and original approach will start at CIENS on Thursday March 28. It focuses on space issues and the geostrategic challenges posed by the democratization of access to outer space. We interviewed CIENS lecturers Lise Dubois and Guillaume Schlumberger, who designed the course. What are the pedagogical objectives of your course, […]

Seminar on misinformation in the age of Artificial Intelligence

The rapid development of generative AI promises a revolution in our relationship to news information, the structuring of political debate and decision-making. How can we understand their impact on our national and international political systems? This political sociology seminar bridges the gap between research and the worlds of expertise. It aims to provide a scientific […]

A new look for CIENS: three questions for Frédéric Gloriant, CIENS Director

CIENS is getting a facelift, with expanded teaching and research themes, new management and a reinforced team of researchers. Frédéric Gloriant, the new director, answers our questions.  What are CIENS’ objectives and challenges? The “core business” of CIENS is the study of high-intensity inter-state conflict, with a focus on the possibility of escalation to extremes […]