Uranium, between science and politics
Pierre-Louis Six, historian and CIENS associate researcher, will be giving a lecture on the occasion of the Nuit de l’ENS, an exceptional event held every two years to give the general public an opportunity to discover the many facets of knowledge at the ENS. This year’s theme is energy. In this context, Pierre-Louis Six has […]
September highlights at CIENS
CIENS is back in session. Don’t miss the presentation of its courses on 3, 6 and 11 September at the ENS. All the information here: On Tuesday 3 September in the Salle Dussane, from 2.30 to 4 p.m., CIENS will be presenting its courses alongside CIEE and the Space chair. For those unable to attend […]
A CIENS expert analyses the offensive on Kursk for the media 20 Minutes
Guillaume Lasconjarias, associate expert at CIENS, was interviewed by journalist Mickaël Bosredon about the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region of Russia. He analyses the objectives of this assault, the surprise effect it has had and the Ukrainian President’s desire to gain time.
CIENS Activity Report 2023-2024
The CIENS delivers a recap of its research activities for the year 2023-2024. The report is divided in 3 sections : collective research activities, individual research and communication.
Yannick Pincé, CIENS associate researcher, on Médiapart
In the event of cohabitation with the RN, who would have control of the French army? Yannick Pincé answers questions from Justine Brabant and Fabien Escalona on Médiapart.
Maïlys Mangin, post-doc at CIENS, interviewed on the ENS-PSL website
Maïlys Mangin, a doctorate in political science, joined as a post-doc researcher the Centre interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux stratégiques (CIENS) in November 2023.
Yannick Pincé publishes an article in The Conversation
Yannick Pincé, a research associate at CIENS, has published an article for the Conversation on the consequences of enshrining nuclear weapons in the French Constitution.
CIENS is recruiting a post-doc on nuclear and strategic issues
The post-doctoral student will contribute to the development of CIENS’ research and teaching activities on nuclear and strategic issues.
Yannick Pincé, interviewed by RFI
Yannick Pincé was interviewed on RFI for Franck Alexandre’s daily column, Lignes de Défense. Link to the interview.
CIENS is recruiting a cyber post-doc
The post-doctoral fellow will develop the cyber pole of CIENS’ research and teaching activities.