Centre interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux stratégiques (CIENS)

Guillaume Schlumberger

Controller General of the Armed Forces on extraordinary mission
Lecturer at CIENS


Former student of the Ecole polytechnique and the ENA, assigned to the Ministry of Defence as a civil administrator in 1985.
Former director of prospective studies at the CEA’s military applications department.

Since 2021, Comptroller General of the Armed Forces on extraordinary mission.
2015-2021? Director of defence strategy, foresight and counter-proliferation at the
and counter-proliferation at the Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS).
2005-2008. Director of the FRS.
Until 2005, deputy to the director in charge of strategic affairs at the Ministry of Defence.
1985-1998. Responsibilities at the International Affairs Directorate of the Délégation Générale pour l’Armement.
Délégation Générale pour l’Armement, then at the Délégation aux Affaires Stratégiques.
1987-1988, Deputy Diplomatic Adviser to André Giraud, Minister of Defence.


Emmanuel Delorme, Bruno Gruselle and Guillaume Schlumberger (eds.), La Nouvelle Guerre Des étoiles – Idées Reçues Sur La Défense Antimissile, Éditions Le Cavalier Bleu, 2013.

L'équipe CIENS

Frédéric Gloriant


Stéphanie Braquehais

Project Manager

Pierre-Louis Six


Maïlys Mangin


Pierre Ramond, PhD Student

CIENS PhD Student

Nos chercheurs associés

Yannick Pincé


Johanna Möhring


Nos experts associés

Dominique Mongin


Mélanie Rosselet

Foreign Affairs Adviser

Nos Intervenants

Nicolas Roche


Celine Jurgensen


Guillaume Schlumberger

Controller General

Corentin Brustlein

Political Delegate

Lise Dubois

PhD Student