Centre interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux stratégiques (CIENS)

Mélanie Rosselet

Foreign affairs adviser (Orient competition)
Director of Strategic Analysis at CEA/DAM

Lecturer at CIENS


Graduate of the Institut d’études politiques de Paris.

Since October 2020, Director of Strategic Analysis at the Military Applications Directorate of the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA).

From 2017 to 2020, exchange diplomat at the State Department, then Press Counsellor and Spokesperson at the French Embassy in the United States.

From 2013 to 2017, Chargé de Mission to the Political Director of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 2009 to 2013, exchange diplomat at the Auswärtiges Amt, then Political Counsellor at the French Embassy in Germany (in charge of monitoring Germany’s European policy during the euro crisis).

From 2006 to 2009, Editor in the Sub-Directorate for Disarmament and Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Strategic Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in charge of European coordination on disarmament and non-proliferation issues, missile defence and counter-proliferation).


Démocratie et dissuasion, Odile Jacob, 2024

“La dissuasion nucléaire redevient centrale”, La revue du CEA, September 2023

“La crise ukrainienne a aussi une dimension nucléaire”, Le Monde, February 2022

“Guerre en Ukraine, un an après : quels enseignements stratégiques ?”, Les rencontres géopolitiques de la Fondation Jean-Jaurès, April 2023

“Démocratie(s) et dissuasion”, Second round table, Symposium to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of Thérèse Delpech, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, November 2022

“Has nuclear disarmament come of age?”, Le temps du débat, France culture, April 2022

L'équipe CIENS

Frédéric Gloriant


Stéphanie Braquehais

Project Manager

Pierre-Louis Six


Maïlys Mangin


Pierre Ramond, PhD Student

CIENS PhD Student

Nos chercheurs associés

Yannick Pincé


Johanna Möhring


Nos experts associés

Dominique Mongin


Mélanie Rosselet

Foreign Affairs Adviser

Nos Intervenants

Nicolas Roche


Celine Jurgensen


Guillaume Schlumberger

Controller General

Corentin Brustlein

Political Delegate

Lise Dubois

PhD Student