Nicolas Roche


Dominique Mongin holds a doctorate in history from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. His thesis, defended in 1991 under the supervision of Professor Maurice Vaïsse, was on: “The genesis of French nuclear weapons (1945/58)”.

He has worked in the Prime Minister’s department responsible for defence and security issues (General Secretariat for Defence and National Security), in the Ministry of Defence (Minister’s Office, Centre for Advanced Armament Studies) and as rapporteur for the 2008 White Paper on Defence and National Security.

He is now a researcher and lecturer:

at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO),

at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS-Ulm).


“History of French nuclear forces since 1945 [with Admiral Marcel Duval], Presses Universitaires de France, Que sais-je? collection, 1993

“La bombe atomique française 1945-1958”, Bruylant / LGDJ, 1997

“Les cinquante discours qui ont marqué la Deuxième Guerre mondiale [The fifty speeches that marked the Second World War], published by André Versaille, 2010

“Crises et conflits au XXème siècle, Armand Colin, 2014

“François Mitterrand et la Défense, Nouveau Monde (eds Jean-Yves Le Drian and Hubert Védrine), 2017

“Résistance et Dissuasion – Des origines du programme nucléaire français à nos jours” (co-edited with Céline Jurgensen), published by Odile Jacob, 2018

“Dissuasion and Simulation – From the end of French nuclear testing to the Simulation programme”, published by Odile Jacob, 2018

“Les cinquante discours qui ont marqué la Seconde Guerre mondiale”, Archipoche, 2019

“La Direction des applications militaires (CEA/DAM) au cœur de la dissuasion nucléaire française – De l’ère des pionniers au programme Simulation”, CEA, 2020

“Histoire de la dissuasion nucléaire depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale”, Archipoche, 2021. Edmond Fréville – Pierre Messmer prize from the Académie des sciences morales et politiques (2022).

“Les essais nucléaires en Polynésie française – Pourquoi, comment, et avec quelles conséquences ?”, CEA, 2022

CIENS team

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Maïlys Mangin


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CIENS PhD Student

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Dominique Mongin


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