Yannick Pincé


Yannick Pincé has a PhD in contemporary history and teaches history at the Lycée Jean-François Millet in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin. His thesis, defended in 2022, deals with the creation of the notion of nuclear consensus in France during the Cold War. As a nuclear historian, his work focuses on the interactions between domestic politics, international relations and strategic issues.


With Florian Galleri, “Défense européenne : le tabou gaulliste”, 20 & 21, n°158, 2023/3, https://www.cairn.info/revue-vingt-et-vingt-et-un-revue-d-histoire-2023-2-page-133.htm .

“L’alliance Mitterrand-Kohl : le “pari de la bonne Allemagne””, Revue d’Histoire Diplomatique, n°2023/4.

“Thirty years on: rereading Lucien Poirier’s La crise des fondements”, Le Rubicon, November 16, 2023, https://lerubicon.org/trente-ans-apres-relire-la-crise-des-fondements-de-lucien-poirier/ .

“Les essais nucléaires et la fabrique de la notion de ‘consensus’, 1973-1988”, Relations internationales, n° 194, August 2023, https://www.cairn.info/revue-relations-internationales-2023-2-page-81.htm .

“La construction politique du consensus nucléaire français”, research note, strategic thinking, IESD-Lyon 3, 2020, https://facdedroit.univ-lyon3.fr/la-construction-politique-du-consensus-nucleaire-francais .

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